"hal maR"-trailer
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: ca. 1 hour (full version)
Ceramics: Anneli Belsvik Aras
Coreographer/dancer: Magdalena From Delis
Composer/singer: Maria Malmsten
The performance exhibition "hal maR" is an artistic project with crossovers between dance,movement, rythms, sound, song and the nature and culture of ceramics.
In "hal maR" one will experience what artistic meetings may lead to. The starting point of the project was the virgin comb, Sætre-kammen, with its female symbolism and runic inscriptions. The comb was found in Bømlo, Norway, in 1932. The comb is made of bone and dates back as far as ca. 550 A.D. It is the oldest runic inscription ever found in Norway, and is believed to be a hommage to a young girl named Nana given to her by an unknown admirer.
In "hal maR" ceramics meet rythms, rythms meet sounds, sounds meet forms, forms meet rythms, rythms meet nature, nature meet movement, movement meet ceramics...
"hal maR" is playful, neutral, mystic, experimental and more. The elements of nature is presented through a variation of meetings.