Anneli Belsvik Aras
(born 18th of Nov. 1969)
Phone: +47 934 94 145
Instagram: annelibaras
1998-2000: MA degree in Ceramic Art, National Academy of Art and Design (KHiB), Bergen, Norway.
1993-1996: BA degree in Ceramic Art, National Academy of Art and Design (KHiB), Bergen, Norway. Including a 3-month Erasmus-exchange at Camberwell College of Art in London under Prof. Richard Slee and tutor Jacqui Poncelet.
1992-1993: History of Art, Uni. of Bergen (UiB), Norway.
1990-1992: Arts and Crafts teacher training education, Høgskolen i Akershus (HiAK).
1989-1990: Ex.Phil., Uni. of Bergen.
1989-1990: Arts and Crafts, including 6 weeks teaching practice, Stord University College.
"Ferd"/ "Journey" - showing work by Aud Bækkelund and "Ein blir ikkje vane med det"/ "You never get used to it" - showing work by Anne Tveit Knutsen in Galleri Salhus, Tekstilindustrimuseet, Bergen, Norway (June - September)
"Undring og erindring"/"Wondering and remebering" - An exhibition showing work by Kristine Fornes, Åse Ljones and Lene Kilde, in Galleri Salhus, Tekstilindustrimuseet, Bergen, Norway (Feb.- April)
"Ettertankar"/Afterthoughts" - An exhibition showing work by Else Karin Tysse Bysheim and Ingrunn Oddny Myrland, in Galleri Salhus, Bergen, Norway. (Feb.-April)
"SKIFTarbeid"/"SHIFT work" - An exhibition showing work by Jannecke Knudsen Heien and Susanne Roti, in Galleri Salhus, Bergen, Norway. (Oct.-Dec.)
"Eit berekraftig Utopolis?"/"A sustainable Utopolis?" - A group show in Galleri Salhus, Bergen, Norway. Works by Audgunn Naustdal Holsen, Silje Heggren and Torunn Halseid Marø. (Feb.-April)
Exhibitions (selected)
"Industrial references", at Norsk Trikotasjemuseum (Norwegian Museum of Knitting Industry), a group show with Silje Bergsvik, Rebecca Teigland and Anneli Belsvik Aras. (Feb.-Aug.)
"S P O R" at Stord Kunsthall/Stord Kunstlag. Solo show. (Sept.)
"Impulses and reflections" at Halsnøy Kloster. A group show with the artist group HAUK. (9.-30. April)
«Traces», selected work from my residency in Rome, Galleri Giga, Stord, Norway. (7.May-4.June)
«Impulses», Galleri Puls, Norheimsund, Norway. Group exhibition, graphic techniques. Artist group HAUK. (30.April-28.May)
«Traces», C.r.e.t.a.Rome, Rome, Italy. (Artist in Residency March-April)
«Women 2016», group show, 5 artists, Stord Kunstlag, Stord, Norway.
Group exhibition, Galleri Giga, Stord, Norway.
Group exhibition, Stord Kunstlag, Stord, Norway.
«Places», photography, upcoming solo-show at Spinae Company (
«hal maR», performance-exhibition, 3 performances at 2 different venues.
«hal maR», performance-exhibition, 12 performances at 9 different venues.
«DISSONANS», duo-show with artist Anne Mette Strømsnes, Norwegian Museum of Knitting Industry, Salhus, Norway (
«Women 2012», group-show, Stord Art Hall, Stord, Norway.
Point-show, Galleri Format, Bergen, Norway (now Galleri Kraft:
«Women 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006», group-show, Stord Art Hall, Stord, Norway.
«Summer in the Bath», group-show, Galleri KunstiBadet, Bergen, Norway,
«Swirls», solo-show, Galleri Bli Z, Sandnes, Norway.
«Music from a Blue Fountain», group-show, Galleri Giga, Stord, Norway. (
«I See», solo-show, Galleri Format’s project room (now Galleri Kraft), Bergen, Norway.
«Do You See…», solo-show, Galleri Giga, Stord, Norway.
«Summersalt», group-show, Galleri Ramsalt/Lindesnes Coast Culture Centre, Lindesnes, Norway.
«Free as the bird in the cage», solo-show, Galleri Giga, Stord, Norway.
«Kasus 01», MA-show, KHiB-students, West Norway Museum of Applied Art, Bergen, Norway.
«Sequences», duo-show, with artist Ingrid Macody Lund, The Old Prison gallery, Stord, Norway.
Group-show with 4 fellow students, Telemark Art Centre, Porsgrunn, Norway.
«The Summer Show», group-show, The Old Prison Gallery, Stord, Norway.
Grant given to the artist group HAUK, towards materials, equipment and a common workshop. NOK 17.000 fro Hordaland District Council.
Grant to attend a 1 week course in textile printing techniques in Denmark (, NOK 7.000 from Hordaland Distric Council, Norway.
Grant to attend the 1 week course «Hereduc – Heritage education through art based methodologies», St-Jean D’Angely, France. €1.900 from SiU (Centre for International University cooperation), Bergen, Norway.
Establishment grant, NOK 30.000 from Bergen City Council, Bergen, Norway.
Travel grant for artists, NOK 30.000, Norwegian Arts Council, Oslo, Norway. (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey.)
Purchased by
2018: 1 silk screen print bought by Norwegian Museum of Knitting Industry.
2012: 3 ceramic porcelain drawings, 1photography on acrylic and1 pastel drawing bought by Norwegian Museum of Knitting Industry, Bergen, Norway.
2006: 3 ceramic pieces bought by Stord District Council, Stord, Norway.
2001: Series of 4 ceramic pieces bought by Stord District Council, Stord, Norway.
1996: 2 wall platters bought by Sunnhordland Kraftlag AS, Stord, Norway.
2020 - 2021: Acting Head of Department at Tekstilindustrimuseet from 1st of Nov. 2020 to 31st of Aug. 2021 (60-70%)
2016 ->: Project position as a producer, curator (Galleri Salhus) and guide at Norwegian Museum of Knitting Industry (50%)
2015 ->: Vestlandsutstillingen, Exhibition manager. An annual regional exhibition in the west of Norway. (35% position)
2015-2016: Guest lecturer at the National Academy of Art and Design (KHiB) in Bergen, Norway. (
2012-2015: Principal at HAKU – Hardanger Kunstskule/Hardanger School of Art (, Norheimsund, Norway.
2009-2012: Guest lecturer at the National Academy of Art and Design (KHiB) in Bergen, Norway. (
2010: Full time artist, working in Orhaniye, Marmaris, Turkey (leave of absence July - Dec.).
2011-2012: Educator at Norwegian Museum of Knitting Industry. (30% position.)
2000 – 2012: Teacher, teaching art and history of art, Slåtthaug Upper Seconday School, Bergen, Norway. (60-80% position.)
2003 – 2006: Project manager for an EU-funded “Comenius I” project between Slåtthaug Upper Secondary School, Staatliches Berufskolleg Glas Keramik Gestaltung des Landes NRW Rheinbach (Germany) and Istituto Statale D’Arte Imperia (Italy).
1996 – 2000: Teacher, teaching art and history of art, Stord Upper Secondary School, Stord, Norway.(40-80% position.)
1996 – 1997: Substitute position (1 year), teaching arts and crafts, Stord University College, Stord, Norway (50% position).
1992 – 1996: Summer work (June- Aug.) in various art galleries, Stord, Norway.
1988 – 1989: Au-pair, Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. Stayed with a single mother and her 3 children for 10 months.
Board Positions
2019 - 2021: NK's fund, board member
2018 ->: Art consultant, Stord kommune's Advisory for Art in Public Space
2018 - 2022: The Advisory for Art in Public Space, Bergen kommune, board member
2018 -2022: HKS, board member
2018 - 2019: NKVN, Chairwoman
2016 - 2018: NKVN, board member
2008 – 2010: The artistic advisory, NKVN (organisation for applied artists:
2001 – 2008: Member of the board of complaints, exam complaints within the arts and crafts education in Hordaland county, Norway
1997 – 1999: Board member (in charge of the exhibition programme), The Old Prison gallery, Stord, Norway
NKVN - Norske Kunsthåndverkere Vest-Norge
NK - Norske Kunsthåndverkere (Norwegian Association of Applied Arts)
HAUK - an artist group with 4 members: Wim van den Toorn, Silje Bergsvik, Ruth Mallinson and Anneli Belsvik Aras (2015-2018)
DISSONANS - an artist group with 2 members: Anne Mette Strømsnes and Anneli Belsvik Aras (2010-2014)
VISP - a resource and networking organisation for the Visual Arts in Norway